The Experience


The Service - The Experience of the Force

This ceremony is carried out at the request of a group of people.

Officiant: My mind is restless.

Participants: My mind is restless.

Officiant: My heart is troubled.

Participants: My heart is troubled.

Officiant: My body is tense.

Participants: My body is tense.

Officiant: I relax my body, my heart, and my mind.

Participants: I relax my body, my heart, and my mind.

When possible, the participants are seated and the ceremony can be carried out by one person or two.

The Assistant sits or stands and reads a principle or a passage from The Inner Look suited to the circumstances and invites the participants to meditate on it. After a few minutes the Officiant sits or stands and slowly reads the following phrases, pausing after each one.

Officiant: Completely relax your body and quiet your mind...

Then imagine a transparent and luminous sphere that descends toward you until it comes to rest in your heart...

Notice that the sphere begins to transform into an expanding sensation within your chest...

The sensation of the sphere expands from your heart toward the outside of your body, at the same time that you deepen your breathing...

You will feel new sensations in your hands and the rest of your body…

You will perceive increasing undulations. Positive emotions and memories will arise…

Allow the passage of the Force to take place freely. This Force gives energy to your body and your mind…

Let the Force manifest within you...

Try to see its light within your eyes, and do not stop it from acting by itself…

Feel the Force and its inner light.  Let it manifest freely…

Assistant: With this Force that we have received, let us concentrate our minds on the fulfillment of what we truly need...

The Assistant invites everyone sitting or standing to carry out the Asking. 

After allowing some time to pass.

Officiant: Peace, Force, and Joy!

Participants: For you also, Peace, Force, and Joy!

 The Well-being Ceremony

This ceremony is carried out at the request of a group of people. When possible, the participants are seated. The Officiant and Assistant may be seated or standing. This ceremony can also be conducted by one person.

Assistant: We are gathered here to turn our thoughts to those dear to us. Some of them are facing difficulties in their emotional lives, some in their relationships with others, some with their health. To them we direct our thoughts and our best hopes. 

Officiant: We have faith that our call for well-being will reach them. Let us think of those dear to us. Let us feel the presence of those dear to us. Let us experience contact with those dear to us. 

Assistant: Let us take some time to meditate on the difficulties that they are facing… 

A few minutes are given so that the participants may meditate. 

Officiant: Now we would like these people to feel our best hopes for them. A wave of relief and well-being will reach them… 

Assistant: Let us take a short time to mentally locate the situation of wellbeing that we wish for our loved ones... 

A few minutes are given for participants to concentrate their minds on this. 

Officiant: We conclude this ceremony by allowing the opportunity, for those who desire, to feel the presence of those loved ones who, although they are not here in our time or in our space, are connected to us in this experience of love, peace, and warm joy… 

A short time is given for this. 

Officiant: This has been good for others, comforting for us, and inspiring for our lives… Greetings to everyone immersed in this current of well-being, which has been strengthened by the best wishes of all those present…


The Gift - A Heart Meditation for Daily Life

In some moment of the day or night
inhale a breath of air,
and imagine
that you carry this air to your heart.
Then, ask with strength
for yourself and for your loved ones.
Ask with strength to move away
from all that brings you confusion,
and contradiction;
ask for your life to have unity...
ask for peace and well-being
to grow
in our homes, neighborhoods, city
and in the world